Frequently Asked Questions

Who may be buried in a Catholic cemetery?

Because the Catholic cemetery is an expression of the belief in the Resurrection, it is the sacred right of each Catholic to be buried in the consecrated ground of a Catholic cemetery. We also welcome non-Catholics. 

What are the burial options in Catholic Cemeteries?

We offer traditional in-ground burial, as well as Green in-ground burial, entombment in a mausoleum crypt, or inurnment in a columbarium niche. Factors influencing the decision can include personal preference, family tradition, and cemetery location, among others. We can provide a detailed comparison of costs and benefits to aid in your decision.

Do Catholic Cemeteries offer markers or monuments?

Yes, we offer a wide variety of monuments and headstones, as well as bronze emblems such as crosses, saints, angels and more, for crypt and niche plates. Our staff can provide information on options and pricing.

Is a mausoleum crypt more expensive than ground burial?

It is somewhat more expensive. The option for garden crypts (outdoor, above-ground mausoleum entombment) is overall comparable to the total cost of an in-ground burial. We can provide detailed cost comparisons to aid in your decision.

How much will I pay for a grave or crypt?

The costs will vary from cemetery to cemetery. Even within the same cemetery, prices vary according to location, natural surroundings and the extent of landscaping and other embellishments in particular areas. Likewise, crypt spaces also vary in price according to their location in the mausoleum building.

What are payment terms for cemetery purchases?

Cash, check, or credit card payments are required, in full, for purchases. Credit card payment will incur a service fee.

Does the Church allow cremation?

Yes. Cremation is permitted, provided “it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body” (Par. 2301, Catechism of the Catholic Church).  Cremated remains must always be treated with respect and dignity and must be placed (interred, entombed, or inurned) in consecrated ground, as soon as possible following cremation.

Must cremated remains be buried?

Yes.  The Church requires reverent final disposition of the remains, as they are parts of the original Temple of the Holy Spirit. Remains must be treated with the same dignity and respect as corporeal remains. The Church does not permit scattering, commingling, dividing or storing remains in any place other than a cemetery.

What is endowment care?

A portion of the purchase price of cemetery lots or crypts is placed into a special fund. The capital balance of the fund is not touched, but the interest earned is used for the general maintenance of the cemetery buildings and grounds.

May I make advance arrangements?

Yes. Planning ahead has many advantages, including the peace of mind knowing your loved ones won’t have to make these decision at a time of grief. Pre-planning is also a wise financial choice because you purchase at today’s prices and avoid future inflation.

This can include purchase of the burial location and any lettering or headstone needs.  Burial and final date costs are incurred at time of need.  

Do I receive a deed for a cemetery plot or crypt?

Yes. The Catholic Cemetery Association of Racine Inc. maintains ownership and stewardship of the blessed grounds of our cemeteries. Purchasers of a grave plot or crypt are granted an easement, or the right to be buried in the selected space. This gives the holders of the burial rights control over burial decisions, while assuring long-term care of the grounds. Particular details are covered in your contract.

Is a vault required for in-ground burial?

The Catholic Cemetery Association of Racine requires, for traditional in-ground burial, the use of a concrete grave liner or vault that prevents ground sinking or collapse. The liner is not sealed, but meets the basic requirements for earthen support. A two-piece vault is a sealed container that offers more protection for the casket.